What happened to meadle east 1960s leaders!!!

- Mohammad reza shah- Shah of Iran -Fall 1979 - Islamic revolution
- Anvar Sadat- Egypth president- assasinated in 1981
- Menachem Begin - president of Israel - death 1992
- Shah Hussein - Shah of Jordan - death in 1999
- King Hussein - Moroccan King - death 1999
- President Hafez Asad - Syria- death 2000
- Yaser Arafat - Chairman of PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) and Presidnet of PNO(Palestine National Autrithy) - death 2004
- King Fahd- King of Suadi - death 2005
- Saddam - hanged in 2006! Based in the Hell now
Some of them were really great with big ambitions for their country and the world!!! alas...
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