Friday, June 06, 2008

Qualitative and Quantitave research and DBR

It has been a long time that rsearchers in social sciences should determine that using which one of the Qualitative or Quantitative approaches they are going to embark and run their research. Using deterministic numerical methods and statistical analysis is normally called quantitative approacha nd using illuminative arguments and describing the events is qualitative approach. In the latter one the researcher is normally immersed in the real world situation and observe the case and tries to describe the phenomenon which is being studied. However, in the former one - quantitative - researcher is normally works in his office and analysed the numerlised data using statistical techniques.
Recently, many reserachers began to use mixed approaches which is quite appropriate for analysing and describing the social sciences phenomena. I was thinking is it the time to get rid of these terminology and try to find some practical and comprehensive approaces. Obviously answering to this question is not an easy job. However,using new and advanced methodologies are pretty useful to achieve that point. One of these methodologies is DBR (Design-Based Rresearch) methodology. DBR let researcher to use any appropriate tactic and technique in different stages of test and modificition. Simply, it is a cycle of design a tactic to attack the research question, test it, modify it, and redesign the tactic, and another test and modify, etc. This process of test and modification can be done in any format whether qualitative or quantitative.

To have a inclusive source for DBR I'd like to refer you to Educational Researcher 2003.

Travel to Iran!

Being with family members is always reinforcing your soil and pleasent. Soon after submitting my thesis I went back home to visit my beloved Mum, Dad, and my only sister Marjan. I spent three weeks with them which was very relax and joyful moments.

I went to DARAKE with my friend Farid and the above picture shows the fresh watermelons and sits in the montains in north of Tehran!

Hi guys! I am back again

I have finally submitted my PhD thesis on 31th of March 2008 and now have more time to come over here and write a little bit for you!

First and foremost about my PhD: the thesis that I have been working on was about Modelling Recursion and actually was a Microworld Animative Visualisation, simply abreviated MAV approach towards the concept. In this study I introduced a new model of studnets' evolution of mental models of the concept of recursion as well as illuminating of their difficulties in understanding and applying the latent layers of recursive processes. I would like to acknowledge all helps and supports of my supervisor - also my friend - Prof. Dave Pratt.