Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dr Soroush's Speech in Shefield University

Yesterday evening Dr Soroush had a speech in university of Shefield. The subject ot his speech was one of the most negleted and overlooked issues by the elite and people in Iran in the last 150 years fight for freedom and justice in Iran. The title of his speech was ' The theoretical barriers of implementation of democracy in Iran'.
He was mainly emphasising on the people's right rather than people's duties. Dr Soroush said people's right implies goverment's duties. However, people's duties, implies government's right.
He pointed to the cornerstones of 'theoretical autarchy' and three major opposition groups before the revolution. 1- clergy 2- left groups 3- mojahedin khalgh. Dr Soroush mentioned that all these three groups theoretically were based on the 'theoretical autarchy'.
was a very interesting speech i will right more about it later.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I am back!

It has been a long time that I have not updated my blog. The reason has a long story that I might write about it sometimes in future!
However, the most important thing is I am back and am going to post you at least one sentence a day for you and will be so happy to have your comments. Your opinions will definitely persuade me to do more and be more active on my blog.